Nokian Tyres develops and manufactures premium tires for people who value safety, sustainability and predictability. Inspired by our Scandinavian heritage, we craft innovative products for passenger cars, trucks and heavy machinery that give you peace of mind in all driving conditions. Our Vianor chain provides tire and car services. In 2023, our net sales totaled EUR 1,174 million. At the end of 2023 we employed over 3,400 professionals. Nokian Tyres is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. Further information:

Manipulant marfa


  • Manipuleaza paletii cu materia prima si ii pozitioneaza pe locatia finala de utilizare, respectand procesul de aprovizionare si continuitatea in productie;
  • Folosind motostivuitorul, colecteaza casetele metalice cu produsele semifinite realizate si le muta la locul de utilizare a produselor semifinite ;
  • Muta cu ajutorul motostivuitorului, paletul cu bucatile de rebut, in aria de stocare a acestor deseuri;
  • Aprovizioneaza procesul de productie;
  • Colaboreaza cu membrii echipei pentru solutionarea situatiilor aparute in sectiile de productie
  • Capabil sa depuna efort fizic individual pentru tragerea si/sau impingerea unor greutati de aproximativ 10kg si ocazional de aproximativ 12kg, greutati mai mari fiind nevoit sa le manipuleze utilizand echipamente de ridicat si transport (pod rulant, macara, motostivuitor);

Aptitudini si abilitati:

  • Studii medii, profil tehnic. 
  • Atestat ISCIR pentru utilizarea motostivuitorului
  • Experienta de minim 3 ani ca si motostivuitorist intr-o firma din domeniul automotive, electronic, injectie mase plastice sau prelucrarea metalelor.
  • Experiență cu instrumentele Lean și Six Sigma constituie un avantaj
  • Competenta medie in utilizarea computerului si a aplicatiilor din pachetul Microsoft Office;
Application period starts: 2024-03-15 17:00Application period ends: 2024-10-30 23:59
Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
Please keep only one form open when filling out an application!
Your personal data
First name *
Last name *
Date of birth
day month year
We will send you information about your application by e-mail. In order to receive our messages, it is important that the e-mail address is correct.
E-mail *
I own this e-mail address and I have checked that it is written correctly.
Home address
Postal code
Mobile phone *
Link to LinkedIn profile
Present situation
When can you start?
Your education
Educational level
Basic education graduation year
Educational level
Note! Education is automatically arranged starting with the earliest and ending with the latest.
Start date
Graduation date
month year
Studies ongoing
Your work experience
Work experience at our company

Note! Work experience is automatically arranged by starting date of employment.
Job title
Job description
(Max 1000 characters)
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Employment started
month year
Employment ended
month year
Your language skills
Native language
1st foreign language
2nd foreign language
3rd foreign language
Other language skills
(Max 200 characters)
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Your IT skills
Describe your level of IT skills
(Max 500 characters)
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Additional information
Please briefly present yourself, your expertise, goals and motivations
(Max 1000 characters)
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Driving license

Salary request
Where did you get the information about this job?
Attach to your application
File size max. 5120 kB. Allowed files: pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, pps, rtf, txt.
File size max. 5120 kB. Allowed files: pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, pps, rtf, txt.
You can attach your picture to your application. The picture has to be in .jpg format and its maximum file size may not exceed 1mb
You can record your video using your web camera, or you can upload a video file from your device. The maximum file size for the video is 500 MB. Allowed file extensions are: avi, mp4, wmv ja mov. You will find support for possible issues here.
Information You’ve sent will be retained for other open positions for six (6) months after sending or updating Your application. *
We cooperate with an external service provider to support the recruitment process. Information You provide in Your application may be transferred to our recruitment service provider. *